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SQL stands for "Structured Query Language" and is an industry standard language which allows you to query existing data, modify that data and to define new tables, indexes and views.

The SQL module of SIR/XS implements the data retrieval, update and definition capabilities defined by "American National Standard X3.135-1986 Database Language SQL." In addition, SIR/XS has implemented many enhancements to simplify the interactive use of SQL and to take advantage of SIR/XS database structures.

The primary function of SQL is to select data from records and tables where particular conditions are true. The selected data always creates a new table. The data from a table can be then be displayed in a simple and straightforward manner. Tables can also be used by the other SIR/XS components such as VisualPQL to produce more complex analyses and outputs.

SQL creates and populates new tables and can also be used to create indexes and views to tables.

SQL can be used to update and modify databases and tables and can update whole sets of data which match particular conditions. While SQL also has some direct data entry functions, these are limited and data entry is better handled in other SIR/XS modules.

The SirSQL interface is a menu driven system, which, since SQL is a command based language, generates commands.

The main SQL command is SELECT, which selects data according to particular conditions, creating a new set of data on a new table. There are various formatting options for individual columns.

There are commands such as UPDATE which updates individual records or sets of records and CREATE which defines new tables.

The SQL settings such as the connected databases and tabfiles, the limits on reading and writing records, any synonym definitions, path definitions, etc. make up the workspace. The SAVE and GET commands save the workspace and get it again in subsequent sessions. SQL uses a default workspace file, called SirSQL.wsp which is loaded when you access SQL. You can modify and save the default workspace, or create and use any number of different workspace files.

A simple editor is used to enter commands into a command area. SQL commands can be created and saved for subsequent execution. Commands can be kept as members in the procedure file of a database or as operating system files. Commands can be run as a batch process.

Online help is available for explanation and syntax of all commands, options and clauses.

Databases & Tabfiles


SQL can operate on multiple SIR/XS databases. Before working with a database, the database must be connected. The last database connected is the default database which is used whenever a particular database is not specified.

Queries are optimised to take advantage of database case structures and records with common keys, simplifying the required query specifications and making the retrieval more efficient. All quality controls, including security, defined in the database schema are applied when using SQL for data entry or modification.

SQL can operate concurrently with other SIR/XS modules when reading data and through Master for concurrent update.

Tables and Tabfiles

SQL can read, write and create tables. A table holds a single type of record and is equivalent to a database record. Tables can be used by VisualPQL and FORMS as well as by SQL. Tables can only be used for update by one user at once. Tables are held on a Tabfile.

A tabfile contains tables, indexes to the tables plus System tables which hold information about other tables. A single tabfile can contain multiple tables. Tabfiles can contain security controls and authorised users may grant or revoke permissions for operations on a tabfile or on specific tables within a tabfile.

SQL can operate on multiple tabfiles. Before working with a tabfile, the tabfile must be connected.

A temporary system tabfile ($SYSTEM) is the default used for creating temporary tables. This is created and deleted per session and is not normally listed on displays of tabfiles. The $ as the start character in a name is used by the system to recognise system generated names and so should not be used except for this purpose.

The system expects a file extension of .tbf to be used for tabfiles.


A View is a logical table created within SQL. A logical table is a table which does not physically exist; it is created 'on the fly' from other tables and records. Once defined, a view may be used and referenced in the same way as other tables. Views can only be used by SQL.

Syntax Rules

SQL is primarily a command based system so there are rules for the syntax of the commands. The syntax is intended to be English like and as natural as possible. SQL translates all commands, keywords and names (unless a non-standard name) to uppercase.

A command normally ends at the end of a line. To specify that a command continues on the next line, put a hyphen (continuation character) after all the text on the line to be continued.

You can submit multiple commands at one time. To do this, start each command on a new line. The starting position of a command on a line is unimportant.


Names are normal SIR/XS names. Standard names are 1 to 32 characters long with no spaces. The first character must be alphabetic. Characters can be letters, digits or four characters ($, #, @,_). Names are translated to upper case so uppercase and lowercase letters are equal. A name cannot be an SQL reserved word. The following are examples of valid names:


Non-standard names

If you wish to use a name which does not conform to these rules, enclose the name in curly braces {} as per other SIR/XS references to non-standard names. (Note: for compatibility with previous versions and with the SQL standard, the SIR/XS SQL module also supports the use of double quotes "" as delimiters on input for non-standard names, but these will be translated to curly brackets on output.)

A non-standard name can contain blanks or use lowercase letters. Non-standard names might be:

{On hand}    {SELECT}    {part*}

Suppose a column is created with a SELECT such as:

SELECT ...  max(salary)*1.1 .....
If this column is referred to in a subsequent SELECT, the column name is not a valid SQL name and must be enclosed in curly brackets. This name was not specified as a non-standard name when originally created and was thus mapped to upper case, so the reference would be:

SELECT {MAX(SALARY)*1.1} .....
Note: It is possible to specify new column names with the FORMAT COLUMN NAME command and it is possible to refer to columns by a column number. This minimises the need to have non-standard column names, even where these have been derived from a calculation. For example:

SELECT id salary*1.3 FORMAT COLUMN 2 NAME newsal

Single v Double Quotes

Strings inside single quotes are constants; strings inside double quotes are names. (This is according to the SQL standard and is thus different from other SIR/XS modules standard behaviour.) When creating a table, it is possible to specify constants as columns, so you must use single or double quotes correctly. For example, suppose the following:

SELECT 'MAX(SALARY)*1.1' .....
Because this command has single quotes, it creates a character constant with the value MAX(SALARY)*1.1 rather than looking for a column with this name.

Qualified Record and Table Names

Unless using the default database or tabfile, qualify record and table names with the appropriate database or tabfile name. Separate the names by a period. For example:


Qualifying variable names

Variables within a record or table always have unique names. However, variables in different records may have the same name. If referring to two variables with the same name from different records or tables, qualify the name by preceding it with the record or table name. Separate the names by a period. For example:



Sometimes you may need to qualify the record or table by a database or tabfile name. However, qualification at two levels (A.B.C) is not a valid SQL format. In this case (or when joining a record to itself) specify an alias. Specify a single name after the qualified record or table name, optionally using the AS keyword and then specify this to qualify individual variable names used in the select, where, order by or other clauses. For example:



When specifying filenames in SQL, use the standard short or long
SIR/XS Filenames.

Numeric Constants

Specify integer constants as a series of digits without any embedded blanks or commas. They may be preceded by a + or - sign to indicate whether they are positive or negative. No sign is an indication of a positive number. For example:

1    134    999    +333    -9322
Specify real constants as a series of digits followed by a decimal point and another series of digits. They may be preceded by a + or - sign. Either the initial or terminal series of digits may be absent but not both. Specify a power of 10 exponent by suffixing the number by the character 'E' followed by the power of ten. There can be no embedded blanks or commas in the number. For example:

1.    .44    +1.4    -.44433    123.456E3    333.432E-3

Character Strings

Specify character strings within single quote marks. To include a single quote within the character string, enter the single quote twice in succession for each occurrence required. For example:

'aaa'    'THIS is A string'    'Bill''s job'


Expressions are a combination of variables and operators which produce a new value. There are numeric expressions and string expressions. For example, adding two numeric variables produces the sum; concatenating two string variables produces a longer string.

There are functions in SQL which convert numbers to strings and vice versa.

Dates, times and categorical variables can be either integers or strings and SQL decides which format to use from the expression that uses the variable. If a string is called for, the string is used; if a numeric value is called for, the integer value is used. For example, a time can be an integer (the number of seconds since midnight) or a character string such as '11.15AM'.

Numeric expressions consist of numeric variables, constants, all of the normal arithmetic operators (+, -, /, *, **), numeric functions, and parentheses. Expressions are evaluated according to normal precedence and parentheses can be used. Within equal precedence they are evaluated from left to right. Example numeric expressions are:

2 * 5 - 4    2 * ( 5 - 4 )    SALARY * 52 / 12
String expressions consist of string variables, string constants in single quotes, string functions, the concatenation operator (+) and parentheses. Example string expressions are:

'ABC' + 'DEF'    SBST('ABCDEF',4,3)    TIMEC(NOW(0),'HH:MM:SS')

Date Formats

Specify a date format for dates. See
date formats for a complete description of date formats.

Time Formats

Specify a time format for times. See
time formats for a complete description of time formats.


A function is a keyword followed by one or more arguments enclosed in parentheses. Arguments may be either variable names, constants or expressions. The function operates on the arguments and returns an appropriate value for each record selected. For example, RND is a function which returns a number rounded to the nearest whole integer;



Comments can be included in commands using the exclamation character (!).
When this character appears on a command line and is not enclosed in quotes, then that character and the remainder of the input line are ignored. The continuation character, must be the last character on the line.
SELECT NAME        ! get the full name -
RND(SALARY*12/52)  ! and weekly salary -
FROM EMPLOYEE      ! for each employee

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