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Error Messages Code Meaning ---- ------------------------------------------------------------ 0001 Command complete but not at end of line Extra information found while looking for the beginning of the next command. 0002 Option is invalid 0003 Number is out of valid range. 0004 Keyword is invalid. 0005 Filename is invalid. 0006 Maximum record count for record type exceeded. 0007 Statement is invalid at this point. 0008 Numeric syntax is invalid. 0009 Option is not currently in operation. 0010 Variable is not a program variable. 0011 KEYFIELDS specification is invalid. 0012 Value List not valid. 0013 Unknown Command. 0014 Tabfile name is required. 0015 Password is invalid. 0016 Record number or name is invalid. 0017 Record number exceeds max rec types in the schema. 0018 Group/user name or password is invalid. 0019 Preset variable with wrong type value. 0020 Table specification is invalid. 0021 Sort records statement is incomplete. 0022 Tabfile delimiter "." is missing. 0023 Case ID size exceeds maximum. 0024 Table already exists. A table of with the same name already exists and the REPLACE option is not specified. 0025 Variable list statement is incomplete. 0026 Duplicate name in variable list. The same variable name has appeared more than once in a list of variable names. 0027 Invalid READ or WRITE operator or format specifier. The letter is not a valid operator or format for the READ or WRITE statement. 0028 "TO list" is invalid. The names before and after the keyword TO must either be previously declared variable names or names of the form AAANNN, where AAA are alphabetic characters and NNN are digits, and NNN of the right side is greater than NNN of the left side. Only variables that reside in the same record (either CIR or a given RECORD TYPE or a given TABLE) may be used in a "TO list". 0029 Input format syntax error. 0030 Right parenthesis ")" missing from command line. 0031 Format is invalid. 0032 Name is missing or invalid. Valid names are up to 32 characters long and are recognised as follows: (a) A letter or one of four special character $,#,@,_ followed by letters, digits, or the four special characters. All lowercase characters are translated to uppercase. (b) Any character sequence enclosed in curly brackets {}. The character sequence may be up to 30 chs. 0033 Variable is undefined. 0034 Cannot write to tabfile open for READ. 0035 Date/time map is invalid. 0036 Tabfile previously open for a different GROUP/USER NAME. 0037 Scale factor is invalid. 0038 Format requested conflicts with variable type. 0039 Variable range is invalid. 0040 Missing value is invalid. 0041 VARIABLE LABEL is invalid. 0042 VALUE LABEL is invalid. 0043 You do not have permission to add tables to a tabfile. 0044 COMPUTE statement requires an equal sign "=". 0045 VALUE LABELS list is incomplete. A variable or a list of variables is not followed by a list of value labels. 0046 JOURNAL option is invalid. Journalling is an attribute of the database. Database file number 5 is the default journal file. JOURNAL clauses for batch data input, retrieval, and SIR MERGE are not valid. 0047 "TO list" out of order. 0048 Invalid "TO list". 0049 Multiple assignment statement is invalid. 0050 All variables in "TO list" must be of the same type. 0051 Existing VALUE LABEL conflicts with new VALID VALUES. 0052 Cannot extend CODEBOOK file. 0053 Variable type changed. VALUE LABELS deleted. 0054 Existing VALUE LABEL conflicts with new RANGES. 0055 "TO list" subscript must be numeric. 0056 Option is invalid for variable. 0057 Cannot change attribute of CASE ID after data entered. 0058 Cannot open database journal file. 0059 Command valid only during data dictionary modification. 0060 PAGE SIZE is invalid. For the standard output file, the page width must be between 50 and 254, and the page length at least 10 lines. The keyword NOEJECT may be used to turn off paging. 0061 Invalid record security code. DBA security has been assigned to the record. 0062 Variable security list is invalid. 0063 Unknown command. 0064 "TO list" has undefined variables on right side. 0065 Data file is empty or uninitialised. 0066 Variable is already declared as temporary. 0067 Cannot open database. 0068 Common/temporary name conflict. 0069 Only DBA may set record access levels. 0070 String length is invalid - 32 assumed. 0071 End quote mark (') missing from string. 0072 Character is invalid at this point. 0073 Variable name is invalid. 0074 Function is unknown. 0075 Required index name is missing. This command requires an index name. 0076 Wrong type of variable in function call. 0077 Required TABLE name is missing. This command requires a table name. 0078 Wrong number of arguments in function reference. 0079 Mismatched parentheses "( )". 0080 Equal sign "=" is in an invalid position. 0081 Can only assign values of same type. 0082 CASE ID or KEYFIELDS is missing from the data line. 0083 Expecting 'TO' in expression 0084 Expression is invalid. 0085 Invalid redefinition of a variable. 0086 New COMMON VARS defined, Database unload/reload required. 0087 Common variable type specification is invalid. 0088 Tabfile is not connected. An operation on a tabfile failed because the named or assumed tabfile is not connected. 0089 Index is not in tabfile. 0090 CASE ID or KEYFIELDS are not defined in the record. 0091 Table is already in use. The SAVE TABLE procedure cannot create or replace a table which is already used during retrieval or by another SAVE TABLE procedure. 0092 Larger CIR is required for this record type. 0094 Total name not found in PRINT list. 0095 Error in list specification. A list of variable names, values, keywords: - is not terminated properly; or - contains invalid characters, names, keywords; or - is empty. 0096 List of variables is missing. 0098 Option ignored for saved executables. The option is used only when running programs or retrievals and is ignored when saving executables. 0099 Break name on SUBTOTAL clause not found. 0100 Column name on SUBTOTAL clause not found. 0102 Error in sort package A call to a routine in the sort returned an error. Possibly a physical problem with disk or a file size limit exceeded. 0103 Cannot tab backwards in PRINT clause. 0104 Error in index value list. The number of values exceeds the number of variables in the index, or the value or variable are of incompatible type - one of type string, the other of type numeric. 0105 Index is not unique. Warning when the index used on a (OLD/NEW) ROW IS statement is not unique. 0106 Invalid use of standard file. A reserved file used incorrectly. For example, reading from the standard output file or a random write to the standard output file. 0107 Expected character not found in READ statement. 0108 FILENAME specification is invalid. 0109 Statement label clause is invalid. 0110 READ statement is invalid. 0111 Data type is incompatible with format. 0112 Invalid value on COUNT clause. A number must be a numeric constant greater than zero. 0113 Number of cases has been redefined. Reload Database. 0114 Records per case has been redefined. Reload Database. 0115 Record type columns have been redefined. 0116 Cannot define locally for a Standard Variable. 0117 You cannot decrease maximum record types. A record type exists that is greater than the maximum specified. Either delete the record type(s) or specify a larger maximum value. 0118 Maximum record types increased. Reload Database. 0119 No variables to move. The GET VARS or PUT VARS command has an empty variable list or uses ALL outside a PROCESS CASE/CASE IS, PROCESS RECS/REC IS, or PROCESS ROWS/ROW IS block. 0120 List of index values is incomplete. The number of index values in a (OLD/NEW) ROW IS statement is not equal to the number of variables in the index. 0121 PUT VARS can only be used in UPDATE mode. The database or the tabfile has not been opened for update. 0122 The KEYFIELD is invalid. 0123 Input format must follow a variable list statement. 0124 Slash "/" missing where expected. 0125 Numeric/string constant syntax error. 0126 Error in processing VALUE LABELS. An error occurred while inserting value labels. Possible reasons are: (1) Valid ranges exist and value is not in range. (2) Value is in missing range. (3) String is too long and is truncated. 0127 Format exceeds MAX INPUT COLS. 0128 Variable is not defined in record. 0129 Maximum number of records in database is too large. NO OF CASES multiplied by RECS PER CASE is the upper limit of records in the database. This number cannot exceed 2,147,483,648. Make sure that NO OF CASES and RECS PER CASE are reasonable values and their product does not exceed the maximum. 0130 Page width is too narrow for the generated report. The REPORT generated requires a larger page width than specified in the PAGESIZE-clause (or assumed by default). The amount needed is displayed in the error message, next to the error number. 0131 You cannot total/subtotal strings/dates/times/cat vars. 0132 DATE STRING syntax is invalid. 0133 Command valid in batch mode only. The command is ignored because it is invalid during an interactive run. 0134 Table name cannot be the same as the tabfile name. 0135 Unexpected end of data while reading a data record. 0136 Invalid record type field on data line. 0137 Data line sequence number out of order. 0138 Write security not granted for variable. 0139 Error reading numeric data. 0140 Value is outside valid range. 0141 Security not granted to write record. 0142 Record to be updated does not exist. 0143 New record in REPLACE ONLY mode. 0144 Old record in ADD ONLY mode. 0145 CASE ID or KEYFIELD missing is record to be updated. 0146 Category not found for variable. 0147 Default date/time MAP assigned. (warning) 0148 CASE ID or KEYFIELD is not defined in variable list. 0149 Invalid option. 0150 Quote mark (") missing where expected. 0151 CASE ID/KEYFIELD invalid on READ statement. 0152 Invalid or duplicate INCLUDE/EXCLUDE list. 0153 Excluded variable missing. 0154 Included variable missing. 0155 TOTAL list specified with SUPPRESS TOTALS. 0156 KEYWORD not valid with this command. 0157 Only DBA can modify access levels. 0158 Cannot mix Visual PQL and Execution window commands 0159 Data list item is invalid. 0160 Line number is invalid. 0161 Column number is invalid. 0162 Type is invalid. 0163 Columns do not divide evenly among variables. 0164 Field is too small for assumed decimal point. 0165 Input columns for variable overlap with another var. 0166 Record type does not match on every line of record. 0167 CASE ID/KEYFIELD does not match on every line of record. 0168 Value read is not in valid value list. 0169 Only DBA can use this command. 0170 No permission granted to read variable. 0171 Update cancelled due to previous errors. 0172 Case not found. 0173 Only DBA can change JOURNAL ON/OFF setting. 0174 Error in I/O status variable specification. The I/O status variable must be a program variable and it must be numeric. 0176 The value list in the PROCESS statement is invalid. 0177 Index range is invalid. INDEXED BY 'indexname' is not followed by a recognisable keyword. 0178 Redefinition of record schema - rectype locked. Run UNLOAD/RELOAD. 0179 Integer list item is invalid. 0182 Equal sign "=" missing where expected. 0183 Wrong type of file for this command/option. 0184 Missing quote mark (") at beginning of string variable. 0185 Maximum number of input characters exceeded for rec type. 0186 String variable is not allowed in this context. 0187 Sample specification is missing. 0188 Syntax error in sample specification. 0189 Invalid sample number. Use a number between 0 and 1. 0190 Character is invalid. 0191 Syntax error in statistics keyword. 0192 Read statement list exceeds available input columns. 0193 Output statement list exceeds available output columns. 0194 Invalid variable used as weight specification. 0195 File previously declared a different type. 0196 Duplicate option or keyword. 0197 Procedure specification is incomplete. 0198 Undefined, missing or unknown tabfile. 0199 Left parenthesis "(" missing where expected. 0200 Max record count for case exceeded - record skipped. This results in an error. Data are lost. 0201 Variable for filename spec must be a string variable. 0202 A key field has a missing value - record skipped. 0203 Record exists but NEW rec indicated on UPLOAD file. 0204 Record does not exists, but new or delete rec attempted. 0205 Bad definition value on upload file. 0206 Unexpected end of file. 0207 Loading factor must be a number between 0 and 1. 0208 Format specification missing. 0209 No filename. The FILENAME clause is missing and/or a default filename could not be constructed. 0210 Invalid record type value on upload record. 0211 Left parenthesis "(" missing where expected. 0212 Invalid format - does not specify any data. 0213 Record type found in download that was not selected. 0214 Update code on upload file is invalid. 0215 Bad variable number on upload file. 0216 Variable name or type does not match. 0217 Syntax error in limit specification. 0218 Keyword WITH is missing from command. 0219 Only one independent variable. 0220 Only one dependent variable allowed if control var used. 0221 Too many dependent variables. 0222 Keyword BY missing from command. 0223 DIVISION parameter value is invalid. 0224 Unknown device name entered. 0225 Device specification is invalid. 0226 Size exceeds device limit. 0227 Incorrect number of symbols. 0228 Data on UPLOAD file is invalid. 0229 Only one control variable allowed per chart/plot. 0230 Label field not allowed in current context. 0231 Statement allowed in RETRIEVAL/PROGRAM UPDATE only. 0232 Grouped BREAK VARS with SUPPRESS GROUPING. 0233 PRINT list is required for generated report. 0234 Unknown label referenced in command. 0235 Column heading with SUPPRESS COLHEAD. 0236 Invalid to add/delete rows in table being processed. It is invalid to add new rows to a table or to delete rows from a table while this table is being processed in an outer loop. Nested processing of tables can only be in read-only mode. 0237 LABEL is invalid. 0238 Attempted to modify var when CASE/RECORD/ROW invalid. Restore the record command. 0239 Attempted to access var when CASE/RECORD/ROW invalid. Restore the record command. 0240 Missing value is invalid for CASE ID/KEYFIELDS. 0241 Data file is full, download stopped. Do an UNLOAD/RELOAD when data file is full. 0244 CASE ID/KEYFIELDS not within valid range or list. 0245 Common variable previously specified as a non-integer. 0246 User interrupt - download stopped. 0247 Invalid value on ERROR/WARNING limit command. 0248 Sort list with SUPPRESS SORT. 0249 Record added to a case that has been deleted. 0250 Table previously in non-update mode requires update. 0251 Can't merge caseless database into case structured db. 0252 Subfile variable must be a numeric program variable. 0253 Sort order specification is invalid. 0254 Invalid in batch mode - retrieval stopped. 0255 Invalid key field reference in UPLOAD file. 0256 Previous value labels ignored due to type change of var. 0257 Categorical/missing value not defined. 0258 Variables moved do not match in type. A CIR, RECORD, or ROW variable moved using GET/PUT VARS has a different type than the corresponding program variable. 0259 Invalid KEYFIELDS value on PROCESS REC/REC IS statement. 0260 Security not granted to read record. 0261 "DO REPEAT" cannot appear inside another "DO REPEAT". 0262 Invalid array index - Undefined value returned. 0263 Invalid array index - not executed. 0264 Duplicate variable. 0265 Maximum temporary variables exceeded. 0266 You can't declare existing record variable as an integer. 0267 VARLAB/VALLAB requires a program variable as an argument. 0268 Variable in list is not a program variable. 0269 Valid value not previously defined. 0270 Program variables cannot be modified by procedures. 0271 Too many files referenced in this run. 0272 Invalid input/output mode specification. 0273 Only one decimal point allowed in picture 0274 Invalid sequence of special characters in picture. 0275 Index variable missing. 0276 Error writing to the PROC file. 0277 Source database name missing. 0278 Cannot reopen tabfile with a table open. 0279 Invalid TABFILE CONNECT security, trying PUBLIC. 0280 Invalid set of keyword options. 0281 Variable must be numeric. 0282 Cannot close tabfile with a table open. 0283 RECODE list is invalid. 0284 No variables to be recoded. 0285 You cannot mix data types in a RECODE statement. 0286 Invalid BREAK LEVEL NUMBER/NAME. 0287 Previous BREAK LEVEL has no node to come from. 0288 Variable is not summary variable 0289 Subtotal list with SUPPRESS SUBTOTAL. 0290 SUBTOTAL LIST without any BREAK LIST. 0291 Cannot close table from within a PROCESS ROW block. 0292 Invalid pseudo variable. 0293 Substitution value is invalid. 0294 Invalid range for substitution value. 0295 Invalid BUFFER line number specification. 0296 Invalid "DO REPEAT" termination. 0297 Invalid BUFFER line range specification. 0298 PURGE SIR FILE invalid with errors in the current run. 0299 Security not granted to delete record or case. 0300 Mismatched parentheses "()" on HEADING/FOOTING statement. 0301 Error opening file during retrieval execution. 0302 End of data reached while reading a file. 0303 Undefined record type. 0304 READ/WRITE attempted after END-OF-FILE or I/O error. Attempted operation on a file after either an end-of-file condition or an error found. 0305 Record type already specified. 0306 Error in COUNT specification. 0307 More than one CASE SELECT option. 0308 File opened in the wrong mode for this operation. 0309 New data type is incompatible with previous definition. 0310 Old variables can not be modified. 0311 New variables can not be defined. 0312 Record name matches RECORD SCHEMA command keyword. 0313 Database name is invalid. 0314 Record type name must be appear on RECORD SCHEMA command. 0315 CASE ID variable invalid. 0316 Record type lock required, but permission is not given. 0317 Record type is invalid. 0318 SIR SAVE FILE specification is invalid. 0319 Too many sort files - only 9999 are allowed. 0320 READ/WRITE error or END-OF-FILE condition. A read/write error or end-of-file condition occurred and no error processing set. The status variable (IOSTAT= varname) or error branch (ERROR= label) may be used to process I/O errors in a retrieval. 0321 CASE ID variable is not a program variable. 0322 Record type missing. 0323 KEYFIELDS variable matches CASE ID. 0324 Data exceeded record length. The data actually entered in the record exceeds what the record length allows for. The data will not be inserted. 0325 Command invalid without defined schema. 0326 Syntax error in array list. 0327 Invalid dimension of array. 0328 Wrong number of subscripts in array reference. The number of subscripts referenced in this expression disagrees with the number of subscripts on the array statement. 0329 Invalid variable or array reference. In a context where only a variable or array reference is expected, unexpected characters are detected. 0330 Array references must be followed by a "(". 0331 Subscript expression contains a missing result. A subscript expression for an array reference contains a missing result. If the array element is being loaded, its value will be "undefined". If the array element is being stored into, the store operation will be skipped. 0332 Subscript value violates array bounds. A subscript value for an array reference is out of the range specified by the bounds on the array statement. If the array element is being loaded, its value will be "undefined". If the array element is being stored into, the store operation will be skipped. 0333 Format requested conflicts with expression type. 0334 Closing bracket is missing from expression. 0335 Database security violation. 0336 Source file header is missing. This error message could indicate a failure to locate the source database on the specified file. Check the database name on the DATABASE clause and/or run ITEMIZE FILE on the source file. 0337 Inconsistent/duplicate keyword/option. A keyword or option has been specified twice or two options are inconsistent with each other. 0338 Error reading source file. 0339 Password incorrect for source file. 0340 Source database security violation. 0341 Array cannot be used in this context. An array reference is not permitted here. Only a simple variable may be referenced. 0342 Name required after AS keyword. 0343 Security specified is invalid. 0344 Subscripted expression used on non-array variable. A variable is followed by a "(" but the variable is not an array. 0345 An array destination variable requires a source variable. 0346 Record does not exist on source file. 0347 Unknown buffer name. 0348 Record type is invalid. 0349 UPDATE specification is invalid. 0350 Error in RENAME specification. 0351 Undefined template referenced. 0352 Record type in host file is not compatible. 0353 Specified edit buffer is empty. 0354 Source database name is incorrect. 0355 Statement not valid unless in DEBUG mode. 0356 Duplicate variable name after rename. 0357 Saved executable not is not in the proper format. When reading the saved executable or compiled subroutine, one of the control words or counts did not match. 0358 Merged Record type causes CIR record count to be exceeded 0359 Host MAX KEY SIZE is too small for merging this rec type. 0360 Data file is empty. 0361 HOST common/temporary variable matches source. 0362 KEYFIELDS cannot be temporary or common variables. 0363 Unallocated common variable referenced - rec type locked. 0364 Rec type number exceeds max rec types - rec type locked. 0365 Data record larger than data block - record type locked. 0366 Data record larger than recommended value. 0367 Record type key size larger than max - rec type locked. 0368 Keysize increased - database locked. Increasing the maximum keysize caused the database to be locked. An UNLOAD - RELOAD sequence is required to unlock the database. 0369 DBA security required to lock the database. 0370 Common var changed to REAL to match previous definition. 0371 Data file never initialised. 0372 Invalid syntax in BOOLEAN clause. 0373 VALUE LABELS cannot precede CAT VAR definition. 0374 Invalid DATE/TIME string. 0375 Record type locked - database reload required. 0376 Invalid keysize. The value for the maximum keysize is invalid. It must be greater than zero and less or equal the maximum keysize possible (320 characters). The new value for the maximum keysize cannot be less than the current value. 0377 Common variable not yet allocated to CIR. 0378 The saved executable is not for the current database. When reading the saved executable or compiled subroutine, the internally referenced database is not the current database. 0380 MAX REC COUNT has been increased too much. 0381 Only DBA can modify an existing schema. 0382 New maximum case value less than current number of cases. 0383 Record type name generated. 0384 Constant table is too large. 0385 Available storage space for variables exceeded. Too many variables were specified causing certain internal fields to overflow. Limit the number of variables in one routine to less than 4094 and try again. Sub-routines have separate counts and are each limited to 4094. 0386 Fewer variables than format specifies- remainder ignored. This warning denotes an inconsistency between the number of variables specified in the VARIABLE LIST command and the number of format specifications in the INPUT FORMAT statement: the format allows more variables to be read than there are in the variable list. 0387 No new cases allowed with NONEW option. 0388 More variables than format specifies - format will cycle. 0389 Maximum number of program variables exceeded. 0390 Invalid to modify current key variables Variables used to create the key for the current record (CIR and Keyfields) or row (variables used in the current index) cannot be modified in the program. 0391 No record types defined. In order to execute the command, at least one record type must be defined for the database. 0392 This command may only appear once in a PQL program. 0393 Expected character not found. 0394 Lower and upper range values are equal. 0396 No BREAK LEVEL statement found in report definition. 0397 Report specification incomplete (/PRINT may be missing). A report statement without a /PRINT clause is not followed by statements forming a report body. This usually indicates that a /PRINT clause is missing from the REPORT statement: only the presence of a /PRINT clause initiates the processing by the Simplified Report Procedure. 0398 Run terminated due to previous error(s). 0399 Security not granted to execute retrieval. 0400 Command is not valid when terminal in full screen mode. 0401 Invalid Schema Command for CIR or STANDARD SCHEMA. 0402 New filename is invalid. 0403 New password is invalid. 0404 Sort key size exceeds maximum. Procedures sort the Procedure Table. The combined length of the variables which form the sort key exceeds the allowed maximum 320. To solve the problem, reduce the number of variables or their length. 0405 Source rec size larger than host data block - can't merge 0406 Variable list limit for procedure exceeded. 0407 No variables were selected to be processed. 0408 Variable must be a string variable. 0409 Record/common variable modification in UPDATE mode only. 0410 No permission granted to modify variable. 0411 I/O error while writing to procedure file. The last command which involved writing to the Procedure File could not be completed. The problem with the disk file containing the Procedure File must be resolved before any further I/O on the Procedure File may be done. 0412 Line data cannot be read from a called member. 0413 Previous EXIT/NEXT statement(s) are not in a loop. 0414 Security not granted to write case. 0415 First line of CALL text is not a command. 0416 Error in external sort package. 0417 I/O error on file. 0418 Format exceeds record length. 0419 End of line, null name used. 0420 Zero length, quoted filename found. 0421 Filename is too long. 0422 Invalid quoted filename. 0423 Filename does not start with an alphabetic character. 0424 Duplicate statement label. 0425 VAR LABEL reference for common variable has been deleted. 0426 VALUE LABEL reference for common var has been deleted. 0427 Label truncated during schema re-creation. When the VAR or VALUE LABELS command is reproduced, the extended label text (i.e. with enclosing quotes, and doubled, single quotes) does not fit into a single line. The label has to be modified before it can be reproduced properly. 0428 Database in executable has creation date/time mismatch. The creation date of the database internally referenced in the saved executable or compiled subroutine does not match the creation date and time of the current database. 0429 Error creating variable reference. Variable number >= 4096. 0430 Error creating variable reference. Table number >=8. This is an internal error which should never occur. Please run the VERIFY FILE utility. If the error still occurs, send as much documentation as possible, including the database (or a subset of it) in EXPORT format, to SIR. 0431 Overlapping or out of order list items. 0432 Range ignored. Common variable has already been defined. 0433 VALID VALUES ignored. Common variable already defined. 0434 CAT VAR specification ignored. Common var already defined 0435 Label record exceeds maximum size, label ignored. Only 32763 characters of label text is addressable by SPSS. The variable labels and value labels defined by the variables passed to the SPSS system file exceed that limit. The labels for this and all subsequent variables are ignored. 0436 Missing LDIVAR or DSNVAR variable, cannot open file. The LDIVAR or DSNVAR variable contains a missing value and not a valid file name; hence, the file cannot be opened. 0437 Bad LDIVAR or DSNVAR file name, cannot open file. The LDIVAR or DSNVAR variable contains a string that is either zero length or greater than the maximum filename; hence, the file cannot be opened. 0438 Can't load subroutine referencing a database from PROGRAM. A subroutine that is called by a PROGRAM must use the /NODATABASE parameter. Without this parameter a database is referenced and the routine can only be called from a RETRIEVAL. 0439 Cannot form member name. A valid member name could not be formed. 0440 Member must be a text member. 0441 Family password mismatch. 0442 Member password mismatch. 0443 Cannot open proc file. 0444 Family not found. 0445 Member found but replace mode not specified. The member is opened for write but the member exists and REPLACE not specified. 0446 Member not found. 0447 Cannot open scratch file to process member. 0448 I/O error while initialising member. 0449 Proc file already open in this retrieval. Only one member at a given time may be opened during a retrieval. 0450 Null retrieval or null program. No executable command found between the RETRIEVAL (PROGRAM) statement and END RETRIEVAL (PROGRAM), FINISH or end-of-file. 0451 Subroutine referenced could not be found. 0452 Variable in list previously defined. 0453 Statement not allowed on multi-statement "IF". 0454 Block structure statement is invalid in current context. 0455 Invalid PRESET statement. 0456 Variable must be a program variable. 0457 Unknown type for variable - REAL assumed. 0458 REPEAT factor must be an integer. 0459 Invalid variable list. 0460 RESTORE CIR/REC is not in CASE/RECORD loop. 0461 Current nesting of blocks is invalid. 0462 Errors in attempting to load subroutine, load ignored. 0463 Feature not supported in this version. 0464 END assumed to terminate current block structure. 0465 Compiled member deleted due to schema changes. 0466 PAGE EJECT invalid in PAGE block of REPORT. 0467 The record you want to RESTORE has been deleted. 0468 RESTORE REC in case loop. 0469 PERFORM PROCS statement without procedures or vice versa. 0470 Statement must appear in PROCESS ROW/ROW IS block. 0471 Statement must appear in PROCESS CASE/CASE is block. 0472 Statement must appear in process REC/REC is block. 0473 Attempted to delete a non-existent case/record/row. 0474 Statement is not in proper loop structure. 0475 Invalid "FOR" statement syntax. 0476 INDEX variable must be a numeric program variable. 0477 You cannot change attributes of MOVED variable. Attributes of variables moved into the data buffer via GET VARS cannot be changed. Define the attributes prior to the GET VARS command. 0478 Comments must begin in column one. 0479 Either the ROW or COL variable must be specified. 0480 Command is invalid in PROGRAM - RETRIEVAL must be used. 0481 Page is too short to print headings and footings. 0482 If no OBS var is specified then a FILENAME is required. 0483 Too few OBS variables to match other specified lists. 0484 Argument in "FOR" statement is not numeric. 0485 Only one "AFTER RETRIEVAL" block allowed. 0486 Command not allowed in REPORT/"AFTER RETRIEVAL" block. 0487 Invalid aggregation function of string variable. 0488 Cannot have more than one "BEFORE REPORT" block. 0489 Cannot have more than one "AFTER REPORT" block. 0490 Cannot have more than one GLOBAL "ON ERROR" block. 0491 Command invalid at this point in report definition. 0492 Duplicate report break level name. 0493 Variable length is invalid. 0494 Variable previously defined. 0495 Variable has no MISSING VALUES defined. 0496 CIR not found upon return to a higher level case loop. 0497 All procedures have been cancelled. 0498 Invalid position for PRESET/DATA statement. 0499 Errors in loading compiled member. 0500 Cannot mix string and numeric variables in operation. 0502 Graph must specify an OBServation variable. 0503 Invalid operator. 0504 Case structure not specified. This error occurs when one or more case schema definition commands had been processed but the case structure of the database remains undefined. This is probably due to a missing CASE IS or NO CASES statement. This statement should be inserted before any other case schema definition command. 0505 Redefinition of case structure. Once a record schema has been defined, the case structure of the database cannot be modified in any way. If the database is still empty (it contains no data), the easiest way around this problem is - write the complete schema to a file (WRITE SCHEMA) delete the database (PURGE SIR FILE) start with a new database read the schema created in step 1, modify it, and run it. 0506 Cannot change type of string variable with modify schema. 0507 Cannot decrease MAX INPUT COLS once record types defined. 0508 Invalid redefinition of common variable. 0509 RANGE/VALID VALUE error in COMPUTE/RECODE. 0510 Invalid variable type. 0511 Command/Option/Function/Request is invalid at this point. 0512 Data truncation error in COMPUTE/RECODE. 0513 KEY SIZE is greater than MAX KEY SIZE. 0514 Data truncation error. 0515 Write access to tabfile is required to create index. 0516 READ/WRITE access violation found in COMPUTE/RECODE. 0517 Command/option is invalid for sequential data file. 0518 Record to evict is not IN the database. 0519 INPUT columns overlap rec type columns. 0520 INPUT columns overlap SEQUENCE columns. 0521 Unequal list lengths. 0522 Error in RANGE specification. 0523 Maximum COMMON VARIABLES exceeded. 0524 Maximum record types allowed is 4095. 0525 Maximum number of KEYFIELDS allowed is 4095. 0526 Maximum number of RECORD variables allowed is 4095. 0527 Field width error in DATE/TIME map. 0528 Command or option is invalid in interactive mode. 0529 Record name is not unique across all record types. 0530 Source specification missing in CALL command. 0531 Member specification error in CALL command. 0532 Parameter specification error in CALL command. 0533 "DO REPEAT" repeat statement cannot contain a "call *". 0534 Error in MEMBER/FAMILY specification. 0537 Family security error. 0538 Member security error. 0539 The name of an array matches a function name. 0541 Command is invalid in "CALL" or "DO REPEAT" statements. 0542 Invalid BLOCKS value. The number specified for BLOCKS must be a positive integer. 0543 Member already exists. 0544 Only DBA can create a new family. 0545 Null utility not executed. The utility requested would not create any output - SIR FILE LIST for a database without a case structure and no CIR variables or with the NOCIR option. 0546 Only DBA can modify passwords. 0547 Invalid security passwords. 0548 Command is invalid for databases without case structure. The command is invalid for databases without case structure. 0549 Option is invalid for databases without case structure. 0550 Member is not a text member. 0551 Variable created. 0552 Feature is no longer supported. 0553 Previously defined N OF CASES ignored. N OF CASES greater than 1 for a database without a case structure. This may have been caused by an N OF CASES command preceding the NO CASE ID command or by defining NO CASE ID after the default N OF CASES already assumed. N OF CASES is set to 1. 0554 Record count field update error. A journal record was not applied because it would cause the MAX REC COUNT for that record type to be exceeded. 0555 New KEYFIELD is not in old definition. 0556 New KEYFIELD type differs from old definition. 0557 Variable is not defined in new definition. 0558 Variable type is different in new definition. 0559 Variable length shortened in new definition. 0560 Variable conversion is str/numeric or numeric/str. 0561 Function is invalid at this point. 0562 Statement requires an operand. 0563 Operator is invalid at this point. 0564 Undefined temporary variable. 0565 Request to delete non-empty case - ignored. A CIR journal record to delete a case was in the journal file but the record count fields shows that the case still contained records. The request to delete the case is ignored. 0566 KEYFIELDS option is invalid. 0567 Cannot open file. 0568 Error in global variable definition. 0569 Record count mismatch - PATCHED. A CIR journal record contained record counts different from computed record counts. The record count fields were set to the correct numbers before the journal is applied to database. 0570 Function cannot be executed - no Execution Window. 0571 Invalid UPDATE LEVEL/TYPE of record read. While reading the binary file, an invalid update level or an invalid type of record is found. This indicates that there is something wrong with the file being examined and causes ITEMIZE to stop. 0572 Error in journal record header. 0573 Cannot find journal which matches update level and date/time The journal restore process looks for a set of updates which exactly match the current update level and update date and time of the database. 0574 I/O error on journal/unload file. 0575 Incomplete record on journal file. 0576 Invalid update level. 0587 Data file became full while creating new CIR. 0588 Data file became full while creating new record. 0589 Case or record limit exceeded. 0590 Data File master index overflow. 0591 Data File is full. The data file is full and cannot be extended. Check the disk space allocation for this file or for your account. Make sure that there is sufficient disk space available to continue then run VERIFY FILE. VERIFY FILE will attempt to recover. 0592 Database is locked - reload required to unlock record. 0593 Only DBA can use this option. 0595 User interrupt. 0596 Invalid to set MAX INPUT COLS below REC TYPE COLS. 0597 Invalid to set MAX INPUT COLS below SEQUENCE COLS. 0598 Invalid to set MAX INPUT COLS below the system default. 0599 Sort file master index overflow. 0600 SEQUENCE COLS field is too small for some record types. 0601 RECTYPE COL value is too small for the record type. 0602 Premature End-of-Line detected. 0603 Invalid external file name. 0604 Invalid record length/block size. 0605 No current condition. 0606 Invalid conditional expression. 0607 Invalid string syntax. 0608 Conditional type mismatch. 0609 Previously defined variable. 0610 Cannot delete schema that has records in data file. 0611 SAS Blocksize is too small. 0612 User interrupt from utility. 0613 User interrupt from program. 0614 User interrupt from retrieval. 0615 Integer too large, variable type changed to R8. 0616 Out-of-date compiled RETRIEVAL/PROGRAM/SUBROUTINE. 0617 Current procedure type cannot be saved. 0618 Invalid pseudo-variable. 0619 Pseudo-variable already exists. 0620 Invalid number of quantiles. 0621 Invalid value for option. 0622 Cell contents error. 0623 Invalid variable/reserved word in expression found. 0624 Invalid MASK option. 0625 Invalid DECIMAL PLACES option. 0626 I/O failure for binary file read/write 0627 Invalid cell modifier. 0628 Invalid context for cell modifier. 0629 Too many table structure expressions. 0630 Operand invalid. 0631 Invalid expression. 0632 Chunk formatting error. 0633 WAFER/STUB output formatting error. 0634 Row/column variable without range. 0635 Invalid redefinition of a record variable as common. 0636 Invalid name for index. 0637 Index not found. 0638 All indexed fields required for spreadsheet access. 0639 All keyfields must be specified for spreadsheet access. 0652 No permission granted for required operation. 0697 If specifying one control var, must be ROW. If specifying two control vars must be ROW & COL. 0701 Contents of member does not match name/type of member. 0703 Called subroutine with wrong number of input arguments. 0704 Called subroutine with wrong number of output arguments. 0705 External common areas cannot INCLUDE other areas. 0706 Input argument type mismatch on subroutine call. The type of the value passed as a subroutine input argument does not match the type declared in the subroutine. 0707 Type mismatch of subroutine output (returning) argument. The type of the value passed as a subroutine output argument does not match the type declared in the subroutine. 0708 RETURN statement is not valid in a RETRIEVAL or PROGRAM. 0710 Missing END EXTERNAL VARIABLE AREA statement assumed. 0711 Cannot find specified EXTERNAL VARIABLE BLOCK to load. 0712 Missing or invalid window size declaration. 0713 Invalid External Variable Block. Possibly old version. An invalid EXTERNAL VARIABLE BLOCK was found during loading. The block may need to be re-compiled. 0714 Duplicate EXTERNAL VARIABLE BLOCK definition. 0715 EXTERNAL VARIABLE BLOCK variable is currently defined. 0716 TABFILE referenced in subroutine has wrong timestamp. 0717 EXTERNAL VARIABLE BLOCK password mismatch. 0718 EXTERNAL VARIABLE BLOCK creation timestamp mismatch. 0720 Expected keyword missing. 0721 Required fixed position parameter is missing. 0722 Error while attempting to copy a random file. 0723 Output file exist, but REPLACE option not specified. 0724 Variable specified is the wrong type. 0725 Input and output files are the same. 0726 Mismatch between tabfile used at execution & compile time The tabfile used at execution time must match the name and creation date of the tabfile used at compile time. 0727 Mismatch between Table used at execution & compile time. The table used at execution time must match name and creation date of the table used at compile time. 0728 Mismatch between Index used at execution and compile time The Index used at execution time must match name and creation date of index used at compile time. 0729 Cannot copy file to a SIR created file. The destination file in a SIR FILE COPY command cannot be one of the database files. 0730 Missing subprocedure definition. 0731 END SUBPROCEDURE missing. 0732 Statements not allowed after END SUBPROCEDURE statement. 0733 Duplicate SUBPROCEDURE definition. 0734 Statement allowed only within a SUBPROCEDURE. 0735 END PROCEDURE when not in a PROCEDURE 0736 String value required. 0737 Cannot store into variable because of incorrect lock. 0738 Cannot store into variable because record/cir is locked. 0739 Invalid lock specification. 0740 Lock expression must be numeric. 0741 Command not valid when using Master. 0742 Only a constant or variable name allowed. 0743 Record processed by EXPORT is locked. 0744 Case processed by EXPORT is locked. 0745 X,Y value specified is missing/undefined/out of range. 0747 Subroutine updates database - caller not in UPDATE mode. 0748 Invalid or missing EDIT buffer name. 0749 Line number missing or invalid. 0750 Specified line to process is missing. 0751 Edit buffer currently exists. 0752 Edit buffer is unknown. 0753 SREAD/NREAD - No columns left on line to perform read. The prompt for the read fills the line, therefore read cannot be performed on the current line. 0754 Command needs more parameters 0755 A block mode request for non-block mode machine. The BLOCKMODE keyword should be specified on the RETRIEVAL/PROGRAM/SUBROUTINE command to enable block mode commands. 0756 A non-block mode request for block mode machine. 0757 No menu to process 0758 Unknown stack command code 0759 Page width altered to fit table 0760 Page length altered to fit table 0761 Item Id required 0762 No menu to end 0763 Cannot define a window at this point 0764 No window or menu for title 0765 No dialog for title 0766 Cannot define menu item at this point 0767 Cannot define dialog item at this point 0768 Cannot define message processing block at this point 0769 Invalid type of message processing block 0770 No dialog for message processing block 0771 EXECUTE DBMS cannot be used in CASE/RECORD/ROW blocks 0772 Tabfile restore failed 0773 Can only use FORMS commands in a FORM 0774 Must have screen name 0775 END screen command missing 0776 Duplicate screen name 0777 Cannot define a screen at this point 0778 FIELD must have name 0779 Cannot have key field on screen more than once 0780 Must have all key fields on screen 0781 Command only valid in SCREEN block 0782 CALL SCREEN ... AUTO cannot be first command on screen 0783 PQL CONNECT DATABASE cannot be used in CASE/RECORD blocks 0784 Duplicate value label value 0785 No variables selected 0786 No data sources selected 0787 Could not find selected data source 0788 Could not find selected variable 0789 Cannot specify key for first data file 0790 Specified keys for data files must be in sequence 0791 Specified keys for data files not yet defined Key values on the DATA FILES command need to be defined either in COMMON VARS or in RECORD definitions 0792 Record schema not defined - can't modify variables 0793 Global substitution too long for input - global truncated Input length restricted to 254 charcaters 2000 Bad select value in Host routine 2001 Specified name for database does not match 2002 Invalid password for database 2003 Password needed to attach database 2004 No CIRs/records found within specified restrictions 2005 No more CIRs/records within specified restrictions 2006 Maximum record count exceeded for current CIR 2008 Data file empty 2009 Invalid date string 2010 Invalid time string 2011 No. of days outside valid date range 2012 Data file is full 2013 In use flag set - run VERIFY utility 2027 Data file is empty after last delete 2028 Retrieval update mode required to add new CIR/record 2029 Specified record type locked or undefined 2030 Maximum case limit exceeded - restructure 2031 Data file master index overflow - restructure 2032 Attempted to position beyond end of data file 2033 Database previously opened but not closed 2034 Retrieval update mode required to delete case/record 2040 Cannot open Journal file 2041 Database not initialized 2042 Database closed - must reopen 2043 Invalid Database Reference 2044 Cannot locate update level on reload file 2045 Cannot close database currently used by some stream 2046 Cannot open reload input file 2047 Invalid HOST password specified to use database 2048 Must be DBA to Modify Schema 2049 Invalid lock flag specified 2053 Database already exists 2054 Update level overflow - unload and reload the database 2055 In use by other process 2056 Not found on specified disk 2057 Access forbidden 2058 Problem with open routine 2059 Bad Master Index - must rebuild database 2060 Not created by current version of SIR - export & import 2061 Too many data files defined for index 3001 Invalid user number 3002 Invalid sequence of function calls 3003 Security can only be set prior to any other calls 3004 HOST not properly initialized prior to call 3005 Count total value is invalid 3006 Count increment value is invalid 3007 Count start value is invalid 3008 Function call must be in an active case/record block 3009 Next is invalid for case/record is block 3010 Exit is only valid in an active case/record block 3011 Delete is only valid in an active case/record block 3012 Write is only valid in an active case/record block 3014 Key type already defined in current block 3015 Invalid order of key creation routines 3016 Attempted to create too many key fields 3017 Too many values entered for current key 3018 Numeric value specified for character key 3019 Character value specified for numeric key 3020 Value outside valid range for numeric key 3022 Security level insufficient to read record/CIR 3023 Security level insufficient to write/delete record/CIR 3024 CIR/record already exists in database 3025 CIR/record not found in database 3026 Incompatible lock exists on specified CIR/record 3027 Specified CIR/record is available for read only 3028 Current LOCK type is not sufficient to MODIFY/WRITE data 3029 CIR/record must be locked exclusively to delete 3030 CIR/record must be locked to write 3031 Deleted CIR/record cannot be restored 3032 Specified record name not found 3034 Case operation performed on record block 3035 Record operation performed on case block 3036 Deleted CIR/record cannot be written to database 3038 Record processing must be within a case block 3039 Cannot add or delete records unless the case is locked 3043 Current LOCK type is not sufficient to READ data 3044 DBA read and write security required to delete case 3045 Sample value must be between 0 and 1 5001 Attempted to transfer a string to a numeric variable 5002 Attempted to transfer a number to a string variable 5003 Security level insufficient to read variable 5004 Security level insufficient to write variable 5005 Undefined value transfered 5006 Missing value 1 transfered 5007 Missing value 2 transfered 5008 Missing value 3 transfered 5009 Specified variable name not found in record/CIR 5010 Specified record type/database not currently in stack 5011 Specified record type/CIR not currently valid 5012 Only integer lengths of 1,2 and 4 allowed 5013 Only real lengths of 4 and 8 allowed 5014 Maximum string length of 4094 allowed 5015 Invalid variable number in descriptor 5016 Invalid level specifier 5017 Item of length 'n' must be on an 'n' byte boundary 5018 Blank is not a defined missing value for variable 5019 Key variable cannot be modified at current time 7001 Cannot open tabfile 7002 Cannot read from tabfile 7003 Cannot write to tabfile 7004 Cannot create a table with the same name as the tabfile 7005 Cannot open Journal file 7006 Cannot read from Journal file 7007 Cannot write to Journal file 7008 Tabfile is already connected, cannot reopen or create 7009 Tabfile is not initially empty 7010 Specified file is not a Journal file 7011 Attempted to add duplicate entry to unique 7012 File currently open for read only access 7013 File is not a SIR tabfile 7014 Attempted to create a duplicate index 7015 No permission granted to create table 7016 Table currently exists on tabfile 7017 No permission granted for requested operation 7018 Table does not exist 7019 Table currently in use for a non-compatible mode 7021 Cannot drop internal table/index 7022 Required index on system table is missing 7023 Tabfile is corrupt run VERIFY TABFILE utility 7024 Group/User name unknown for tabfile/table 7025 New Journal file must be empty 7026 Row previously dropped 7027 No more rows found for request 7028 Row exceeds maximum size for tabfile 7029 Numeric request for string column 7030 String request for numeric column 7031 Integer overflow converting real to integer 7032 Column name not found in table 7033 Index already open in incompatible mode 7034 Index not open 7036 Tabfile index required more than 6 levels 7037 JOURNAL/BACKUP file does not contain a valid header 7038 Null values are not allowed for specified column 7039 Invalid blocksize value 7040 Specified table number is invalid or table is not open 7041 Invalid column name or number of columns 7042 Numeric argument out of valid range 7043 Inconsistence between field widths of a real number 7044 Invalid setting for string column 7046 Arguments for routine are invalid at this time 7047 Invalid missing/valid range number or too many defined 7048 Valid and missing ranges should be disjunct 7049 Tabfile is unknown or closed 7050 Column already exists 7051 A table should have at least one column defined 7052 Categorical variable cannot have range 7053 Journal restore - tabfile already exists 7054 Tabfile creation date/time differs from Journal 7055 Journal file applies to a later version of the tabfile 7056 Journal file ended without tabfile close entry 7057 Expected journal entry to open tabfile not found 7058 Table creation date/time differs from Journal 7059 Attempted to open table for closed tabfile 7060 Invalid data while trying to add row 7061 Operation not valid for VIEW 7062 Excess information at end of Journal record 7063 Tabfile not found on Backup 7064 Full dump cannot be restored in pieces 7065 Cannot restore full backup to existing tabfile 7066 Block number referenced but not in original list 7067 Cannot write to backup file 9001 Master could not attach to new path 9002 Master could not Re-attach to old path 9003 Master could not delete an old path 9004 Master cannot open database datafile 9005 Master error deleting a complete case 9006 Error releasing case and/or lower record locks 9007 Master CIR rewrite failure 9008 Master CIR lock release failure 9009 Master CIR lock convert failure 9010 Master logout failed 9011 Master database data file close failure 9012 Master database data function failed 9013 Master record deletion failed 9014 Record lock release failure 9015 Master record rewrite failure 9016 Record lock convert failed 9017 Could not send message to Master 9018 Error opening current process input channel 9019 Error opening Master message echo file 9020 Cannot establish link with Master 9030 Master database record access failed 9031 Cannot establish required record type lock 9032 Cannot copy difference file 9033 Master closing - cannot accept logins 9034 Master shutdown 9035 Master password did not match 9036 Exceeded number of licensed users
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sirforms.err Forms error output list sirsql.fmt SQL messages file (binary) sir.ini Initialisation file in the user's My Documents directory. Under Unix the file .sir is in the user's home directory. sirforms.kmp Forms default keymapping (binary) sir.lcn Licence Control File sirout.lis Output from a SIR/XS batch run sirsql.slg SQL session log file (text) sirproc.srp System Procedure File sirsql.wsp SQL workspace file (binary)
The system also uses various extensions as standard as listed below:
.cmp Forms commands
.exp A text export of a file
.frm Forms compiled file (binary)
.kmp Keymap file (binary)
.lis Generic listing (text output)
.pql Text source of a VisualPQL program
.pwr Output from a PWrite - text with PROCEDURE commands
.sch Schema definition commands
.sr1 to .sr6 Database files 1 to 6. The files all have the database name followed by a suffix
1 & 2 are the description of the database;
3 is the data in the database;
4 is the procedures;
5 is the journal;
6 is any secondary indexes
.tbf Tabfile
.txt Generic text
SIR/XS reads and writes files in several directories.
under Windows or /bin/Sir
under Unix).
SIR/XS reads most of the internal data files from the home directory and loads help pages from the help
subdirectory of its home directory. If you write programs that use the SirAPI or SIR/XS Z-library (Host), you must place your executable into the home directory, because the software looks for its internal data files in the same directory where the main module is located.
Normally SIR/XS does not create or modify files in the home directory except when the licence file is created.
Add the SIR/XS home directory to your list of PATH directories if you prefer to start SIR/XS from the command line.
Under Unix the sirdir
environment variable must point to the home directory to run SIR/XS properly.
You can change the file where the SIR/XS settings are stored. This is normally .sir or sir.ini, depending on the operating system. The execution parameter -ini:
filename. If this parameter is used then it must be specified first.
You can specify an alternate location for the licence file. To do this you need to define an operating system environment variable named SIRLCN that has a filename as its value. This filename contains the licence details.
You are strongly discouraged from using the home directory as the current working directory.
It may be convenient to use your database directory as the current directory.
The current working directory is the default place to load and save files that are referred by local names. It is also used for temporary data files that are deleted automatically on exit.
, or, if that is not defined then in an operating system environment variable TEMP
. If neither of
these variables are defined then scratch files are written to the current directory.
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Each parameter has a default value that is used if the parameter is not defined. If a parameter name is not recognised, it is ignored.
Where a boolean value is expected, 1 stands for true, 0 - for false.
Some parameters can be altered during a session and the file is saved at the end of a session. If the file does not exists on startup, it is created at the end of the session. A single file is used by all SIR/XS products.
In the multi-user environment each user has his own initialisation file. Under MS-Windows the file sir.ini
is created in the user's My Documents directory. Under Unix the file .sir
is created in the user's home directory.
You can start sir using a different file by using the parameter -ini:filename
on start up.
The file is in a format used for initialisation files on the specific operating system that is slightly different between Unix and Windows.
The following sections and parameters can be specified:
Text displayed in the main window title bar.
Number of seconds to display the startup bitmap. (Windows only)
Specify 1 to save the position of the main window each time SIR/XS is closed.
X coordinate for position of main window on startup. Specify mwndp=0 to ensure these values is not overwritten.
Y coordinate for position of main window on startup.
Width of main window on startup.
Height of main window on startup.
Character size of fonts used in the main window and dialogs. (Windows only)
Name of fonts used in the main window menus.
Name of fonts used in the dialogs.
Name of fixed width fonts used in the main window text area.
Specify 1 to record a log file.
The name of the log file.
The name of the print command (not Windows) eg "lp -c".
The name of your prefered text editor executable.
The name of your html browser executable for viewing help files.
Specify timeout in seconds for Master send/receive. The connect timeout is twice this value.
Number of seconds to display the startup bitmap. (Windows only)
Specify 1 to save the position of the main window each time SIR/XS is closed.
X coordinate for position of main window on startup. Specify mwndp=0 to ensure these values is not overwritten.
Y coordinate for position of main window on startup.
Width of main window on startup.
Height of main window on startup.
Character size of fonts used in the main window and dialogs. (Windows only)
Name of fonts used in the main window menus.
Name of fixed width fonts used in the main window text area.
Specify 1 to record a log file.
The name of the log file.
Specify 1 to hide system tables in table lists.
Specify 1 to save automatically the workspace on exit.
Specify timeout in tenths of a second for ODBC connect.
Specify timeout in tenths of a second for ODBC send.
Specify timeout in tenths of a second for ODBC receive.
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The IN=
parameter on the execution command specifies the input file and determines
that this is a batch run. You can run sets of commands from files in normal SIR/XS in which case control is returned to the user when end of file is reached.
The IN= filename can be stdin
in which case the input is taken from the standard input stream. This could be the keyboard, a pipe or redirected input using "<". If input is to come
from the keyboard you can also use the PROMPT
execution parameter which will put a prompt to the screen.
Output generated by batch runs is written to files. Output includes the listing of commands, remarks and any messages.
The OUT=
parameter on the execution statement specifies the
default output file. If a default output file is not named, then a standard file called SirOut.lis
is created. For example;
SIR IN=PQLPROG.CMD OUT=PQLPROG.OUTCommands and procedures that do not specify filenames write to the output file. Commands that specify a filename write output to the specified file. Output can be assigned to a file in normal SIR/XS and everything that is normally written to the scrolled output window is written to the assigned output file.
The output produced may include listings of remarks and/or commands and this is controlled by PRINT BACK
settings. The default settings in batch list remarks, messages and commands.
The OUT= filename can be stdout
in which case the output is sent to the standard output. This could be the screen, a pipe to another command or redirected output using ">".
The standard SIR/XS executable can run in this batch fashion and, if this is done, it runs with a gui window and remarks are written to the scrolled output window so that you have an idea of progress.
A non-gui version of SIR/XS is also supplied as a separate executable - SIRbatch
. This runs in a non-gui mode and can operate without a terminal window at all. All output is to files.
(N.B. Some functions of the system are expressly designed to operate interactively in a graphical environment and may cause problems if operated in any other way. If a batch run fails to operate in the expected fashion, run the same input file in standard SIR/XS to ascertain if this reveals the source of the problem.)
If a batch run executes VisualPQL programs that contain commands that require interactive input or output, the program is not executed. Similarly, commands that require use of an editor are flagged as an error in a batch run.
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Login procedures are not run in batch executions.
Login procedures are members in the procedure file in the SYSTEM
family. When the system is started in a normal fashion, if there is a START
member in the system family, it is automatically executed before the main menu system starts.
To execute an alternative login procedure, specify the EX=
execution parameter. The specified procedure must be in the SYSTEM
family. If an EX=
parameter is specified, the default login procedure is not executed.
If the initial procedure creates a WINDOW
, it is then controlling the system. If there is no initial procedure or the initial procedure does not create a window, the system is started with the menu from the system procedure file SYSTEM.START
. Since initial procedures are run before the windowing gui is active, they may not use dialogs. If you wish to have an initial dialog, invoke it from the INITIAL
section of the WINDOW
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that can be accessed by your applications. Action is taken depending on the file extension as follows:.srn
is taken to be a database file and the file is opened.exp
is taken to be an Export file and the database is imported.pql
is taken to be a VisualPQL procedure and is run. Note that this is run after the menu system is started and cannot be used to define alternate menus.
is taken to be a VisualPQL procedure and is run. Note that this is run before the menu system is started and can be used to define alternate menus. If the program does not define an alternate menu system then it cannot include gui commands or functions.
If a parameter starting with a *
is found, it is taken to be a global variable and the following value is assigned to that global variable e.g *user=fred
results in a global variable USER
with the value "fred". If the value contains blanks or other special characters, enclose it in quotes.
Following is an alphabetical list of all the execution parameters.
The default is 1930.
To illustrate the calculation, assume the default setting of 1930. Then any input year in the range 00 - 29 is assigned a century of 20nn; any input year in the range 30 - 99 is assigned a century of 19nn.
All variables defined as dates are held internally as a number of days since the start of the Julian calendar on Oct 15 1582.
Note: When SIR/XS starts it runs the member
, or
command as appropriate can be used in the input command stream.EL or ERRORS=n
family is executed as soon as the system starts. Does not apply to batch runs.F=family_name
family is the default.FAMP=family_password
DB =
parameter. If not specified, the journaling status set for the database is used. This option requires DBA security level.M=member_name
process to use. See Master
for details on concurrency.NAC
IN =
PB =
by default for all options except
and USER
. In batch runs, these are ON
by default for all options except TASK
multiple times to select or deselect multiple options. For example:
sets the default print back options ON
. OFF or NO
print back off completely.CALL
echoes all the lines included by CALL
and RUN
echoes all commands.REMARK
writes remarks as tasks are executed.REPEAT
echoes all the commands generated by a DO REPEAT
echoes commands that are skipped in CIF
writes statistics of CPU usage and other activity. The default is NOTASK
writes remarks detailing the SIR/XS attribute created when a new filename is encountered.PROC=filename
if a database is not attached. Specify either a filename, such as 'C:\myproj\myproj1.sr4'
or use SYSPROC
to attach the SIR/XS system procedure file.SYSTEM.START
from the procfile specified by this keyword. SYSTEM.START
calls a main menu program such as SYSPROC.SYSTEM.MAINMENU
to start an interactive session.PS=n
PS = 0
. The default is 60.PW=database_password
DB =
parameter, this
specifies the database read security password. A read security level of 0 (zero) is assigned if no password or an
incorrect password is supplied.SIRUSER=name
. Could be used as the basis for audit trails by individual users who update the database. Specify a SIR/XS name.SL=n
. Specify this where the operating system filename is not the tabfile name with a .tbf
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, allows these to produce output in html format and send this directly back to the web. Output directed to the web server is written to a local file if the programs are run locally so that programs intended for use over the web can easily be developed and tested.The following information is intended to provide some help for the users who have no prior experience with Web server software but want to use SIR/XS on their Web server.
Web servers' configuration includes a system of virtual directories available to the Web users. Sometimes this virtual file system may exactly match a subtree of your real file system, but it doesn't have to. Here is the example of a possible configuration under Windows NT:
Dir Virtual Real path -------------------------------------- Root / d:\www\home Images /images d:\www\images Scripts /cgi-bin d:\www\programsNote, that in the virtual file space, the /images directory is a subdirectory of the root directory, but on this particular server the two physical directories have a common parent.
Assume that you have installed SIR/XS into c:\SIR/XS
on your Web server. Include this directory into the PATH
of a special user account used by the Web server to run the programs on the Web browser's requests or include it into the system-wide PATH
, so it is available for all users.
After installation, the SIR/XS Web executable sirweb.cgi
is installed into the SIR/XS's home directory. sirweb.cgi
can be used on all platforms. However, if you use the MS Windows version of SIR/XS, you can also use sirweb.isa
. Use the isa version instead of cgi if your Web server supports the ISAPI protocol, because it is faster than the traditional CGI access. Use the appropriate name in the default.htm
(see below).
Make sure that the sirweb's access permissions allow it to be executed by the Web server process (or by anyone).
You may need to rename the file if your Web server insists on a particular file extension for a particular type of Web application. You need to specify to your web server that sirweb.cgi is a binary executable file (as opposed to Perl and shell scripts). For example, under MS Windows, it has a format of the normal Win32 EXE file. The second, Windows specific file, sirweb.isa has the Win32 DLL format.
Set up an appropriate html file in the appropriate directory. For example, default.htm
in the Web server's root directory. The HTML references the installed sirweb executable as a simple link (URL) or as an action handler of the user input form. e.g.
<a href="http://b1/scripts/sirweb.isa">Click here to try the SIR Internet Database Serveror
<FORM ACTION="/scripts/sirweb.isa" METHOD=POST>
The sirweb executable supports GET and POST request methods and takes arbitrary number of CGI parameters. The sirapp
parameter specifies the name of the VisualPQL program to run. This VisualPQL program can use the CGI functions to get any number of named, additional parameters. If you do not specify a value for sirapp
the system uses SYSPROC.CGI.DEFAULT
as the default member to run.
but be sure to have this saved as a file because the system procedure file is recreated when you re-install versions of SIR/XS.
program write (CGI) '<CENTER>' write (CGI) '<img src="/images/sirsplash.gif">' write (CGI) '<h1>Welcome to the SIR Internet Database Server</h1>' write (CGI) '</CENTER>' write (CGI) '<FORM ACTION="/scripts/sirweb.isa" METHOD=POST>' write (CGI) '<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="sirapp" VALUE="sysproc.cgi.go">' write (CGI) 'Application to run: <SELECT NAME="sirtxt">' write (CGI) '<OPTION VALUE="hello" SELECTED>Simple Text' write (CGI) '<OPTION VALUE="entry">Data Entry' write (CGI) '<OPTION VALUE="excel">Excel' write (CGI) '<OPTION VALUE="spss">SPSS' write (CGI) '<OPTION VALUE="tables">Tabulations' write (CGI) '<OPTION VALUE="splash">Welcome' write (CGI) '<OPTION VALUE="freport">Report' write (CGI) '</SELECT>' write (CGI) '<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME= "sirmem" VALUE="Run"><p>' write (CGI) '<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME= "sirmem" VALUE="fcache">' write (CGI) '<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME= "sirmem" VALUE="entry">' write (CGI) '<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME= "sirmem" VALUE="excel">' write (CGI) '<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME= "sirmem" VALUE="Register">' write (CGI) '</FORM>' write (CGI) '<CENTER>' write (CGI) '<img src="/images/SIRXS3.jpg" alt="SIR/XS">' write (CGI) '</CENTER>' end programIn the html, you may have references to other files such as images or output files that are accessed by other programs. Be aware that these references must be resolvable by the web server.
Any images that are referenced are typically in an images
sub-directory from the web server root so ensure that any predefined images that you reference are in that directory. (If you use the DESCRIPTIVE
procedure, this uses an image red.gif
that can be found in the sir - images sub-directory and can be copied to the web server images directory.)
If you are writing files for your users to browse with other packages you need to send them to an appropriate directory and reference this in your html. e.g.
retrieval process cases . record is employee c Find last name . compute revname = trimlr(reverse (name)) . compute len = abs(srst(revname,' ')) . compute lname = reverse(sbst(revname,1,len-1)) . end record is . process rec occup . get vars position startdat startsal division . perform procs . end process rec end cases excel save file filename = 'd:\wwwroot\testex.dbf' / variables = lname division position startdat startsal end retrieval program write (cgi) 'Your data is <a href="/testex.dbf"> here </a>' end program
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