VisualPQL | Buffers |
A program can invoke the editor, either the SIR editor or a system editor depending on parameter settings. Once the editor is invoked , control does not return to the program until the user exits the editor. The editor can use buffers to store data and there are VisualPQL commands to create, read and manipulate the contents of a buffer. The commands are:
that affect the whole buffer.
that affect individual lines in the buffer.
that passes control to the editor for the user to edit the buffer. Control returns to the program when the user exits the editor.
CLEAR BUFFER buffer_name_exp
Removes all the lines currently in the specified buffer. Specify an existing buffer name as a string constant in quotes or as a string variable.
CREATE BUFFER buffer_name_exp
Creates a new, empty buffer. Specify the buffer name as a string constant in quotes or as a string variable.
If the buffer already exists, a warning is issued but the program continues.
DELETE BUFFER buffer_name_exp
Removes the specified buffer. Specify the buffer name as a string constant in quotes or as a string variable. If the buffer does not exist the command is ignored and no warning is issued.
DELETE LINE IN BUFFER buffer_name_exp NUMBERED num_value
Removes a specific line in the buffer. Subsequent lines are renumbered. Specify the buffer name as a string constant in quotes or as a string variable.
EDIT BUFFER buffer_name_exp
Invokes the SIR editor or the external editor with the specified buffer. Specify the buffer name as a string constant in quotes or as a string variable.
GET LINE FROM BUFFER buffer_name NUMBERED num_value INTO string_var
Transfers a copy of the specified line to a string variable. If the line number is greater than the number of lines in the buffer, the string is set to undefined.
INSERT LINE INTO BUFFER buffer_name NUMBERED num_value FROM string_var
Inserts a new line into the buffer before the specified line number. That is the old line with the specified line number becomes that line number+1 and the new line becomes the specified line number.
PUT LINE TO BUFFER buffer_name NUMBERED num_value FROM string_var
Replaces the specified line in the specified buffer with the contents of the string argument specified.
, a string. A record type called ABSTRACT
has an integer keyfield called LINENUM
and an 80 character string variable called TEXTLINE.
Each line of text of the abstract is stored as a record in this record type.The retrieval has two parts, the control structure of the program and a set of subprocedures that do the various program tasks such as looking for existing abstracts, editing the abstract and saving the abstract in the database.
RETRIEVAL UPDATE NOAUTOCASE STRING * 80 TMPLINE INTEGER * 2 EDITEND CREATE BUFFER 'ABSTRACT' | create a buffer for editing LOOP | beginning of control structure . ERASE SCREEN | clear the screen . DISPLAY TEXTBOX 'Enter Book ID:' | get book id RESPONSE RESVAR, BOOKID . IFTHEN(RESVAR LE 0) | if no bookid is provided . DELETE BUFFER 'ABSTRACT' | get rid of buffer . EXIT RETRIEVAL | end the retrieval . ELSE | if we have a bookid . EXECUTE SUBPROCEDURE GETBOOK | get existing abstract . EXECUTE SUBPROCEDURE EDITBOOK | edit the abstract . IFTHEN(EDITEND = 299) | if user cancelled . CLEAR BUFFER 'ABSTRACT' | empty the buffer . NEXT LOOP | go for another book . ELSEIF(EDITEND = 277) | if execute buffer . EXECUTE SUBPROCEDURE SAVEBOOK | store text . NEXT LOOP | go for another book . END IF . END IF END LOOP | end of control structure C** -- subprocedure definitions SUBPROCEDURE GETBOOK | gets abstract from db OLD CASE IS BOOKID . PROCESS REC ABSTRACT . INSERT LINE INTO BUFFER 'ABSTRACT' | load lines into buffer numbered LINENUM from TEXTLINE . END REC END CASE IFTHEN (SYSTEM(14) = 0) | if book is not in database . DISPLAY ERRBOX 'New Book' | give a message ENDIF END SUBPROCEDURE SUBPROCEDURE EDITBOOK | edit the abstract EDIT BUFFER 'ABSTRACT' END SUBPROCEDURE SUBPROCEDURE SAVEBOOK | store text in database CASE IS BOOKID | create or access book SET LINENUM (0) | initialise line counter LOOP | go thru lines in buffer . LINENUM = LINENUM + 1 . GET LINE FROM BUFFER 'ABSTRACT' numbered LINENUM into TMPLINE . IFTHEN(EXISTS(TMPLINE)=1) . RECORD IS ABSTRACT (LINENUM) . PUT VARS TEXTLINE = TMPLINE . END REC . ELSEIF(EXISTS(TMPLINE)=0) | if (end of buffer) . PROCESS REC ABSTRACT | go thru any other records FROM (LINENUM) . DELETE REC | and delete the record . END REC . EXIT LOOP . END IF END LOOP CLEAR BUFFER 'ABSTRACT' END CASE END SUBPROCEDURE END RETRIEVAL
DISPLAY WDL {'string_val' | varname ]
Sends either the specified string constant (in quotes) or the contents of the specified variable to the OutputHandler callback routine in SirAPI. The variable must be a string.